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Nomadic Naturopathic

Dr. Danny Dowling, ND
Fort Collins, CO
Meet Danny
Aerial Forest

Dr. Danny Dowling, ND

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Schedule Today:
New Patient: $350
Follow-up: $90-$190
Craniosacral Therapy/Visceral Manipulation: $75-$125

What He Does:

Dr. Danny, is a Colorado State Registered Naturopathic Doctor. He uses his education and clinical training in pharmacology, diet and lifestyle therapies, herbal medicines, exercise science, vitamin/nutrient therapies, and physical medicine techniques like craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and hydrotherapy to prevent and treat physical and mental dis-ease.


He performs a thorough investigation into all of your symptoms, conventional and/or functional lab-work, and imaging to help him identify or get closer to the cause of disease. Many of his patients come to him after not improving or worsening from different combinations of pharmaceuticals or receiving vague and brief healthcare. He’s taken this route in medicine because he knows that people can improve and heal with only positive side-effects.


Education/Clinical Training:

  • 4-year Bachelor of Arts and Science in Human Biology and Infectious Disease at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS.

  • 5-year Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University near Seattle, WA.

  • 1-year Residency at Mukilteo Natural Health Clinic in Mukilteo, WA – Naturopathic Primary Care, IV therapy, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.





My Naturopathic Areas of Focus

Areas of Interest and Clinical Experience

Digestive Health

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Environmental Toxicity

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Autoimmune Disease

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Hormone Imbalances

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Chinese Medicine
Mental Health

A clinical notion in naturopathic medicine says that almost all disease starts in the gut. Digestion plays a critical role in many, if not all, of our other health and body systems. It's now widely recognized within the broader medical field that the gut-brain axis also plays a critical role in our mood and overall mental health. We'll take a look at your whole picture to identify if these factors need to be addressed for you or not. 

Environmental Toxicology &
Infectious Disease

Clinically, I've identified and treated these often, complex-chronic conditions. Ranging from digestive dysbiosis, CIRS/Black Mold exposure, Chronic and Acute Viral Infection, to mercury and glyphosate endocrine disruption. There's a world of external threats to our bodies and I like to support my patients in identifying what exactly is the largest culprit and help them rebuild and promote their natural disease-fighting defenses. 

Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease, Type I diabetes, MS, Inflammatory Bowel diseases, and Lupus are just a few examples of common immunological conditions. This is where our immune systems begin to start recognizing our tissue as foreign and thus attacks it in defense. There are many ways to approach these conditions, and they can often be greatly improved upon with medication and/or foods, botanicals, and other therapeutics that naturopaths are highly trained in.


Hormones are whole body influencers and are impacted by many factors from our diet and lifestyle, to our genes and environmental exposures, to our mental and emotional health. Hormones are a passion of mine and when nudged back into harmony can drastically improve our well being. We are fortunate to have so many helpful herbs, nutraceuticals, and therapies to help support and balance healthy hormone production and cycling. I love how powerful hormones are and how they connect us to time of day, year, and to our bodies and nature; like the moon cycle and circadian rhythm. 

Mental Health: Trauma/Addiction

Trauma and addiction are some of my personal interests and have become an insidious and ubiquitous aspect of living our, now, very complex human lives. Depression, anxiety and a whole host of other aspects of mental health are near and dear to my heart as I have suffered through and been on a journey of healing and coming to new peace and self-compassion. There are many herbs, diet/lifestyle, therapies, and lifestyle practices that are research driven and proven to be highly effective in treating these conditions of the mind and body.  

Chronic Stress/Fatigue

Fatigue and stress seem to be on the rise and have been some of the most reported life and health concerns that I've encountered. Sometimes these go hand-in-hand and sometimes there are other lingering problems with hormones, digestion, or chronic diseases that may be surfacing and showing their head. We have a hard time slowing down in our culture and it is one of my greatest passions to help people navigate that process. It's been one of the biggest health promoting factors in my life and helps fuel my unique and exciting trajectory through life and medicine. 


“My time spent learning biofeedback with the help of Danny Dowling was amazing. He was extremely kind, open, non-judgmental, and encouraging to me. While maintaining his professionalism he made sure I felt safe, accepted, and truly heard. These have rarely been my experiences with people in the medical profession, and certainly unusual with my experiences with men.”

— Patient at Bastyr Center for Natural Health: Seattle, WA

"Dr. Dowling is an excellent Naturopath. He identified a mold toxicity I had that was missed my several other Doctors and Naturopaths. I would highly recommend him."

— Patient at Rocky Mountain Natural Medicine(2023)

" I just had to come say how amazing Dr. Dowling is! In 2019-2020 I started with odd digestive issues that a normal doc/ GI eventually dismissed as being all in my head after years of going in to see them. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in all of that as well, but none of those other doctors would help. They just kept pushing pills and antidepressants on me. Fast forward to 2023 my symptoms had gotten so bad that I felt like I had lost my life to this battle. I was tired all the time, food was my worst enemy, I just felt like I was losing my mind. Well, March 2023, I decided enough was enough and I wanted my life back. I found Dr. Dowling at Rocky Mountain Natural medicine through a thorough search online. It only took 1 appt. for Dr. Dowling to get an idea of what was wrong with me. He took the time to listen to all of my issues and review all of my medical history carefully. He ordered one test and that led to me being diagnosed with SIBO. He immediately started treatment with me, and the amazing this was it was ALL Natural! After a 4 week treatment and a diet change recommended by Dr. Dowling, I feel like I have gotten my life! I almost back to myself again! I know this will forever be a lifetime healing journey for me, but I am so thankful that Dr. Dowling is the one helping me through it. I learned healing your gut leads to managing my autoimmune disease naturally with no meds. If you are on the fence about being seen by a Naturopathic Doctor here is your sign to jump!"

— Patient at Rocky Mountain Natural Medicine(2023)




Your Health Starts Here

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Contact Info


(970) 212-9229

3101 Kittery Ct. 

Fort Collins, CO 80526



(970) 592-5522

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